Phoenix 350L osmose unit
350 litre tank - available without filtration, DI filtration (resin bottle) or RO/DI filtration (reverse osmosis + resin bottle).
Nice looking osmosis unit built from quality branded components.
The unit is rather tall so the surface area it occupies is rather limited.
In addition, the panel giving access to the pump, battery, controllers,... is equipped with magnetic strips. This allows very easy and tool-free access to the unit.
The 350L version is only available with 1p controls.
Optional for this type of unit:
The unit can also be provided to charge while driving (isolating relay or DC/DC depending on type of vehicle).
A controller can be provided with remote control.
A manual or electric reel can be chosen.
A TDS meter can be added, allowing the value of the water to be viewed at all times with a simple push of a button.
The price mentioned does not include transport and installation costs.
After installation, a detailed explanation is provided on site.